Monday, November 24, 2008

Wiki (Wacky Woo)

I'm a little familiar with Wikis already, having used them occasionally as sites to help patrons when they ask questions in "AskAway". I always send a warning that Wikis are a often notorious for providing misinformation. They're a nice start, but not a be-all, end-all for a reference librarian.

I did like the video provided by this class that explained how friends could use a wiki rather than massive amounts of e-mail to organize a group event. Weird thing, though. With my friends, e-mail and telephone calls work just fine. No one has ever suggested the use of a wiki page. Something for the future perhaps....?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Flickr -- or, why I don't own a digital camera

That's about the size of it. I don't own a digital camera, so Flickr is, at least at this point in time, nothing to interest me.

If, however, I do splurge on a good camera this year, I still don't believe I will want to share my photos with anyone. I save my vacation photos in albums. And while traveling, I keep a running journal of my snarkiest comments which I type up and put in the album. If anyone but me ever wants to see and read about my trip, they can ... open the book. (What a concept!)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

WindyCon 35

Well, I attended WindyCon after a two year absence. It will be a future absence, I assure you. Was it ever dull!

The panels, which were few and far between, were of very little interest. I attended a grand total of one. Walter Koenig (Star Trek, Babylon 5, etc.) was speaking. He was really interesting and very nice. And yes, it's true, pretty much all of the stars of classic Trek didn't like Mr. Ego (aka: Shatner).

The only other function I attended was the Masquerade. In years past, this showing of costumes would go on for over an hour and the costumes were often amazing. This year, it started 15 minutes late, and ended 15 minutes later. They were going to award prizes, but I left. Nothing deserved a prize.

Watched none of the movies (they were running recent movies I had already seen or didn't want to) and at horribly late in the evening times. Usually, the movie room is my refuge. Not this time.

Lombard, IL is their new location. They're already booked for next year. They'll be there without me.

Monday, November 10, 2008

RSS (really stupid stuff)

I don't read or follow blogs. I created a 'bloglines' account because it was required of this class, but do not intend to check it. I'm sorry, but this sort of thing leaves me yawning.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Social Networking

This is just not for me. I have no interest in joining "Facebook". This is a site for kids/teens. They love this sort of thing; I dislike it intensely.
As far as finding something to entice teens to look at the library's site, forget it. Libraries are not high on the list of things that attract the average kid. I'm not sure they'd bother even if we had streaming anime for free or free downloads of the hottest new music.
BTW, pictures from a two year old Harry Potter party? No one cares anymore.