Monday, January 19, 2009

A weekend of watching

A cold weekend. So I watched many things; mostly DVDs from the library. I watched the second season of "The Tudors". Better than the first season, but still not very good. And still historically inaccurate. Watched the recent movie "Brideshead Revisited" and was delighted to have saved money by NOT seeing it in the theatre. (Snore.)
Treated myself to "Slumdog Millionaire" at the theatre. Truly, one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. But don't be fooled by the hype and taglines into thinking this is the feel-good movie of the year. It's violent and depressing through most of the film. Amazing screenplay (certainly Oscar worthy) that pulls everything together. 9 out of 10. See it!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Web 2.0 Awards Sites

Wow! Some of those sites are amazing.

Under the food section, I looked at "imcooked" and watched an adorable video called "Feed Me Bubbe". A grandmother explained and demonstrated how to make latkes. She was adorable and the latkes made me HUNGRY! (Of course, they're not as good as my brother's. They just don't taste quite right without a bit of his knuckles in the mix.) ;-)

Under fun stuff, I looked at "cocktail builder". Perfect for mixologists.

Under maps, I looked at Google Maps. I've used mapquest before, but google maps is amazing. I found my street, but there was no picture of my street loaded there. Saw the condos across the road though. Big Brother hasn't found me yet.

Under games & entertainment, I found something a large number of my SF loving friends will like. Galaxiki is a site that lets you build your own galaxy, buy a star, and the like.

Under video, I played around on BBC Player. Unfortunately, since I'm not in the UK, I can't watch videos, but they apparently allow non-Brits to listen to BBC radio programs. This I am sure I'll enjoy!

And on a final note, I have thorough enjoyed learning about all the technical stuff explained on the Library's Learning 2.0. Thanks, Michele!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Overdrive is Underdriven!

Talk about frustration! I have downloaded the Overdrive software. I found something I wouldn't mind listening to on the site. I tried downloading it, and just keep getting parameter errors.

I give up! Will try to get some help and try again, but it's not something I will use as I DON'T OWN A COMPUTER or an MP3 Player and DON"T WANT TO!

Monday, December 8, 2008

You Tube. (Me Tube, We Tube?)

I've seen a few videos on You Tube before, so this wasn't entirely new to me.

I watched an amazing library card promo created by Charlotte & Mecklenburg County Library about getting a library card. They had their teens create it using South Park as a background.

I also watched one of Penn & Teller exploring the Houdini room at the Library of Congress.

And a short but sweet ALA promo by Julie Andrews.

I also watched the ITPLD You Tubes. Very VERY out of date. Staff who haven't been here in ages. The old library logo being used. Showing that we circulate things we no longer circ. Out-of-date statistics. Suggestion: Take them down and/or create new ones.

P.S. I didn't sign up for You Tube as I will never post anything and have no interest in commenting on other people's work.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Podcasting is interesting, I suppose. I went to the Library of Congress' site and listened to most of an interview with author Jan Brett. She was interesting, but the interview was rather slow. And with no visuals, my mind wandered.

I then went onto Denver Public Library's site and found they have quite a few picture books read aloud (by a librarian, I imagine). No visuals, but if you like listening to picture books without the pictures, it might entertain. I listened to two ("Red Fox and the Baby Bunnies" and "It's Quacking Time"). I cannot imagine that these will entertain the intended audience (young children), though. I also wonder at the copyright issue of using an author's words; they must have gotten permission.

Unless there is something useful for work out there in Pod-land, I cannot imagine spending any time with this. I don't own an IPod, MP3 player, or a computer at home. And I don't believe they deliver podcasts through two cans and some string....

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wiki (Wacky Woo)

I'm a little familiar with Wikis already, having used them occasionally as sites to help patrons when they ask questions in "AskAway". I always send a warning that Wikis are a often notorious for providing misinformation. They're a nice start, but not a be-all, end-all for a reference librarian.

I did like the video provided by this class that explained how friends could use a wiki rather than massive amounts of e-mail to organize a group event. Weird thing, though. With my friends, e-mail and telephone calls work just fine. No one has ever suggested the use of a wiki page. Something for the future perhaps....?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Flickr -- or, why I don't own a digital camera

That's about the size of it. I don't own a digital camera, so Flickr is, at least at this point in time, nothing to interest me.

If, however, I do splurge on a good camera this year, I still don't believe I will want to share my photos with anyone. I save my vacation photos in albums. And while traveling, I keep a running journal of my snarkiest comments which I type up and put in the album. If anyone but me ever wants to see and read about my trip, they can ... open the book. (What a concept!)